Informative articles on Pet Pros pertaining to the overall health of your pets. We know your pets health is important to you and we want to give you the best possible information available to us.

5 Tips for Your Pet’s Digestive Health [Infographic]

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We're claiming August as Pet Digestive Health Month! Why August? It’s a month that’s always bustling with summer activities and outdoor adventures. As pets spend more time outside, in new places and with new people, they’re more likely to eat things that aren’t good for them and face stress that can be hard on their digestive systems. Use this advice to protect and preserve your pet's digestive health through the dog days of summer. Follow Us

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Essential Flea Prevention Checklist

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This time of year brings warmer weather, more daylight and opportunities to spend playing outdoors with your pet. But with it also comes the dreaded enemy of all pets (and pet owners) – fleas. If you have ever had a bout with fleas, you will do just about anything to prevent them from coming back again.  Contrary to popular belief, a topical solution alone isn’t always enough to deal with the pesky pests. Use this Flea Prevention Checklist to protect your pet and keep the little buggers at bay. Prevent Topical products such as collars, traditional spot-on and natural oil…

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How much a lifetime of care costs most pet parents

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How much a lifetime of care costs most pet parents (BPT) - If you’re one of the more than 90 million American households with a pet — congratulations! No matter which breed you’ve adopted or rescued, it’s likely your furry friend is an important member of the family. In fact, studies have shown that pets can help keep you healthy because they offer: Companionship Unconditional love Motivation to exercise If you’ve already added a pet to the family or are considering adopting one, the rewards of pet parenthood are many, but it’s also important to understand the realistic costs of…

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